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- Andrew Betsis - Smart Skills Student Book, CEFR level B2 - Cambridge English First (FCE)
- Andrew Betsis - Succeed in Cambridge English KEY Student book. Key English Test - 10 KET Practice Tests - Self-Study Edition (including a Key Exam Guide)
- Andrew Betsis - Succeed in Cambridge English Movers Student Book (with CD). English for Movers, Young Learners (CEFR level A1+)
- Andrew Betsis - Succeed in Cambridge English Movers. For the revised exam for 2018 - 8 Complete Practice Tests, 6 in the Students book and 2 (also interactive tests)
- Andrew Betsis - Succeed in Cambridge English Starters Student Book (with CD) CEFR level A1. English for Starters, Young Learners including 5 Practice Tests
- Andrew Betsis - Succeed in YLE Student Book. Cambridge English FLYERS - English for Flyers, Young Learners (CEFR level A2)
- Andrew Betsis - Successful FCE Student Book. 10 Practice Tests for Cambridge English First - Self-Study Edition (New 2015 format)
- Cambridge YLE A1 MOVERS. i-Move Teachers. Edition with CD and Teachers Guide
- Cambridge YLE A1 MOVERS. i-Move Teachers. Overprinted Book
- Cambridge YLE Pre-A1 STARTERS. i-Start Teachers. Edition with CD and Teachers Guide
- Cambridge YLE Pre-A1 STARTERS. i-Start Teachers. Overprinted Book
- Cambridge YLE. A2 FLYERS. i-Fly Teachers Edition with CD and Teachers Guide
- Cambridge YLE. Succeed in A1 MOVERS 2018. Format 8 Practice Tests. Teachers Edition with CD and Teachers Guide
- Cambridge YLE. Succeed in A1 MOVERS 2018. Format 8 Practice Tests. Teachers Overprinted book
- Cambridge YLE. Succeed in A2 FLYERS 2018. Format 8 Practice Tests. Teachers Edition with CD and Teachers Guide
- Cambridge YLE. Succeed in A2 FLYERS 2018. Format 8 Practice Tests. Teachers Overprinted book
- Cambridge YLE. Succeed in Pre-A1 STARTERS 2018. Format 8 Practice Tests. Teachers Edition with CD and Teachers Guide
- Cambridge YLE. Succeed in Pre-A1 STARTERS 2018. Format 8 Practice Tests. Teachers Overprinted Book
- Dictionary of Business
- Dictionary of Synonyms
- Grammar Files A1. Teachers book
- Grammar Files A2. Teachers book
- Grammar Files B1 IELTS. Teachers book
- Grammar Files B2 IELTS. Teachers book
- Grammar Files C1 IELTS. Students book
- Grammar Files C1 IELTS. Teachers book
- Illustrated Idioms B1 and B2 - Book 1 - Students Book - Self-Study Edition
- Illustrated Idioms. Levels: B1 and B2. Book 1. Teachers book
- Illustrated Idioms. Levels: B1 and B2. Book 2. Self-Study Edition
- Illustrated Idioms. Levels: B1 and B2. Book 2. Teachers book
- Illustrated Phrasal Verbs. Teachers book
- Natural English Grammar 1. Beginners. Teachers book
- Natural English Grammar 2. Elementary. Teachers book
- Natural English Grammar 3. Pre-intermediate. Self-study edition
- Natural English Grammar 3. Pre-intermediate. Teachers book
- Simply A2 Key for Schools 8 Practice Tests for the Revised Exam from 2020. Self study Edition: 8 Practice Tests
- Simply A2 Key for Schools. 8 Practice Tests for the Revised Exam from 2020
- Simply CAE Advanced 10 Practice Tests
- Simply FCE for Schools 8 Practice Tests
- SiMPLY IELTS. 5 Academic and 1 General Practice Tests. Bands: 4.0 - 5.5. Teachers book
- Simply TOEFL Reading & Vocabulary
- Simply TOEFL. Reading and Vocabulary. Students book
- Simply TOEIC Listening. Self Study Edition
- Simply TOEIC Reading. Self Study Edition
- Succeed in BULATS. 5 Practice Tests. Self Study Edition
- Succeed in BULATS. 5 Practice Tests. Self Study Edition
- Succeed in CAE Student Book. 10 Practice Tests for Cambridge English Advanced, New format 2015 (including CAE Exam Guide)
- Succeed in Cambridge English A2 KEY (KET). 8 Practice Tests for the Revised Exam from 2020
- Succeed in Cambridge English B1 Preliminary 8 Practice Tests for the Revised Exam from 2020 Self Study Edition: 8 Complete Practice Tests
- Succeed in Cambridge English B1 Preliminary. 8 Practice Tests for the Revised Exam from 2020
- Succeed in Cambridge English Key-ket, Self Study Edition: 10 Ket Practice Tests
- Succeed in Cambridge English Preliminary ( PET ) - Students Book with 10 Practice Tests, Self Study Guide and Answers
- Succeed in Cambridge English Starters. For the revised exam for 2018 - 8 Complete Practice Tests, 6 in the Students book and 2 (also interactive tests)
- Succeed in EDI B2. 9 Practice Tests Self-Study Edition
- Succeed in EDI C1. 6 Practice Tests Self-Study Edition
- Succeed in EDI C2. 6 Practice Tests Self-Study Edition
- Succeed in IELTS - Student Book with 9 Practice Tests, Self-Study Guide, Answers and Audio CDs
- Succeed in IELTS - Student Book with Self-Study Guide & Audio CDs
- Succeed in IELTS General - 8 Reading and Writing - 4 Listening and Speaking Practice Tests -Self-Study Edition
- Succeed in IELTS General. 8 Reading and Writing. 4 Listening and Speaking Practice Tests. Teachers book
- Succeed in IELTS Writing Self-study Edition
- Succeed in IELTS. Writing Teachers book
- Succeed in PET Student Book. Cambridge English Preliminary - 10 Practice Tests (Self-Study Edition)
- Succeed in the New Cambridge Proficiency - 8 Practice Tests - Students Book and Self-Study Guide with Answer Key
- Succeed in TOEFL iBT - Self Study Edition: 6 Practice Tests
- Succeed in TOEFL. 6 Practice Tests. Teachers book
- Succeed in TOEIC. Students Book with 10 Practice Tests, Self Study Guide, Answers and Audio CDs
- Succeed in Trinity GESE Grade 3 CEFR A2.1. Global ELT Overprinted Edition with answers
- Succeed in Trinity GESE Grade 4 CEFR A2.2. Global ELT Overprinted Edition with answers
- Succeed in Trinity GESE Grade 4 CEFR A2.2. Global ELT. Self-study Edition
- Succeed in Trinity GESE Grade 5 CEFR B1.1. Global ELT Overprinted Edition with answers
- Succeed in Trinity GESE Grade 5 CEFR B1.1. Global ELT Self-study Edition
- Succeed in Trinity. GESE Grade 2. CEFR A1. Global ELT Self-study Edition
- Succeed in Trinity. GESE-Grade 2 CEFR A1 Global ELT. Overprinted Edition with answers
- Succeed in Trinity. GESE-Grade 3 CEFR A2.1. Global ELT Self-study Edition
- The Grammar Files, English Usage, Students Book, Intermediate B1
- The Grammar Files. English Usage, Students Book, Elementary A1
- The Grammar Files. English Usage, Students Book, Pre-Intermediate A2
- The Grammar Files. English Usage, Students Book, Upper-Intermediate B2
- The Vocabulary Files - English Usage - Students Book - Advanced C1 / IELTS 6. 0-7. 0
- The Vocabulary Files - English Usage - Students Book - Intermediate B1 / IELTS 4. 0-5. 0
- The Vocabulary Files - English Usage - Students Book - Upper Intermediate B2 / IELTS 5. 0-6. 0
- Upgrade IELTS. 5 Academic and 1 General Practice Tests. Bands: 5.0 - 6.5. Teachers book
- Upgrade your Grammar. Level B1. Teachers Book
- Upgrade your Grammar. Level B2. Teachers Book
- Upgrade your Grammar. Level C1. Teachers Book
- Vocabulary Files A1. Teachers book
- Vocabulary Files A2. Teachers book
- Vocabulary Files B1 IELTS. Teachers book
- Vocabulary Files B2 IELTS. Teachers book
- Vocabulary Files C1 IELTS. Teachers book
- Vocabulary Files C2 IELTS. Students book
- Vocabulary Files C2 IELTS. Teachers book
- Vocabulary Success A2 Key. Overprinted edition with answers
- Vocabulary Success B1 Preliminary. Overprinted edition with answers
- Vocabulary Success B1 Preliminary. Self Study Edition
- Vocabulary Success B2 First. Overprinted edition with answers
- Vocabulary Success B2 First. Self-study Edition
- Vocabulary Success C1 Advanced. Overprinted edition with answers
- Vocabulary Success C1 Advanced. Self-study Edition
- Writing Success Level B2. Self Study Edition
- Writing Success. Level B2. Overprinted edition with answers
- Andrew Newberg, Cuvintele iti modeleaza creierul. 12 strategii de conversatie menite sa dea incredere, sa aplaneze conflictele si sa consolideze intimitatea
- Cum ne schimba Dumnezeu creierul - Descoperirile inovatoare ale unui prestigios neurolog
- Cuvintele iti modeleaza creierul - Andrew Newberg
- De ce nu dispare Dumnezeu
Andrew Samuels este analist jungian, profesor universitar, scriitor, activist si consultant politic. Este un clinician si teoretician foarte apreciat pentru noutatea si claritatea conceptelor » mai mult
Andrew Scull este sociolog si istoric al medicinei. A predat la University of Pennsylvania si la Princeton, iar in prezent este profesor la University of California, San Diego.
De » mai mult
ANDREW SOLOMON s-a nascut in 1963. Si-a facut studiile la Yale si Cambridge. Traieste la New York si Londra. Este doctor in psihologie si scrie literatura de factura politica, culturala, psihologica » mai mult
- Get Ready for Business 1. Audio CD
- Get Ready for Business 1. Students Book
- Get Ready for Business 1. Teachers Guide
- Get Ready for Business 2. Audio CD
- Get Ready for Business. Preparing for work. Student Book 1
- Get Ready for Business. Preparing for work. Student Book 2
- Get Ready For International Business 1 Students Book
- Get Ready For International Business 1 Students Book
- Get Ready For International Business 1 Teachers Pack
- Get Ready For International Business 2. Students Book
- Get Ready For International Business 2. Students Book
- Innovations Elementary. Students Book
- Innovations Intermediate. Innovations Examview Assessment CD Rom
- Outcomes Elementary. Students Book
- Outcomes Pre Intermediate. Students Book
- Outcomes Pre Intermediate. Students Book with Access Code and Class DVD. 2nd edition
- Teaching Lexically: Principles and practice
Andrew Sean Greer (n. 1970) a crescut, alaturi de fratele lui geaman, in Washington, DC. A urmat cursurile Brown University, unde a fost purtatorul de cuvint al generatiei sale. Dupa ce a trait » mai mult
VASILE ANDRU s-a nascut la 22 mai 1942, in satul Bahrinesti, in nordul Bucovinei. Studii universitare la Iasi, absolvite in 1965. Sapte ani este lector universitar. Paraseste catedra si se » mai mult
- Andrzej Sapkowski, Sabia destinului. A doua parte din seria WITCHER
- Andrzej Sapkowski, Witcher: Ultima dorinta - Prima parte din seria WITCHER
- Sangele elfilor. A treia parte din seria Witcher de Andrzej Sapkowski
- Ultima dorinta editia. 2019 (Seria Witcher, partea I)
- Vremea dispretului. A patra parte din seria Witcher de Andrzej Sapkowski
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