English for Aerospace Engineering

Preț: 20,00 lei
Disponibilitate: In stoc furnizor - Timp confirmare stoc: 1 - 2 zile lucratoare
Autor: Cristina Mihaela Nistor
English for Aerospace Engineering has been developed specifically for students who wish to understand the basics of the aviation industry and need to comply with the associated language proficiency requirements. The book supports the vocabulary used to describe aeroplane parts and components and builds upon it to help improve plain English in terms of structure, vocabulary, comprehension and interactions.
English for Aerospace Engineering covers a range of subjects relevant to building, designing and operating an aircraft. It provides an introduction to the specialized language of aerospace engineering and combines theoretical input with practical exercises. The units from the book can work independently and can be selected according to the needs and interests of the course participants. The book is also ideal for self-study and the Answer Key provided at the end is of valuable assistance to autonomous scholars.
The exercises allow students to check the understanding of new words and expressions and to practice using them. There is a wide range of different types of exercise such as verb tenses, prepositions, gap fills, matching exercises, choice of words and so on that aim at improving the students’ control over grammar and vocabulary.
Far from any claim for being perfect, the current textbook is the result of many years of efforts to collect and adapt materials taken from various sources and then trial them in the classroom in order to meet the language needs of the students who study Aerospace Engineering at the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest.
English for Aerospace Engineering covers a range of subjects relevant to building, designing and operating an aircraft. It provides an introduction to the specialized language of aerospace engineering and combines theoretical input with practical exercises. The units from the book can work independently and can be selected according to the needs and interests of the course participants. The book is also ideal for self-study and the Answer Key provided at the end is of valuable assistance to autonomous scholars.
The exercises allow students to check the understanding of new words and expressions and to practice using them. There is a wide range of different types of exercise such as verb tenses, prepositions, gap fills, matching exercises, choice of words and so on that aim at improving the students’ control over grammar and vocabulary.
Far from any claim for being perfect, the current textbook is the result of many years of efforts to collect and adapt materials taken from various sources and then trial them in the classroom in order to meet the language needs of the students who study Aerospace Engineering at the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest.
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