Dealing with EU Law. The Role of National Courts in the Interpretation and Application of European Union Law

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Autor: Sandru Mihai
Anul publicării: 2013
List of contributors / VII
List of abbreviations and acronyms / IX
Table of cases / XI
Introduction / XV
Between Rights and Charters: ECHR and EU law before national judges (Giuseppe MARTINICO) / 1
Deferential Dialogues between suptanational and constitutional courts in the European multi-level system (Ioana RADUCU) / 33
Overcoming the legal Iron curtain: Similarities and dissimilarities in the use of preliminary references between new and old Member States (Juan A. MAYORAL) / 60
Proportionality to balance trade in services and fundamental rights between the European Court of Justice and national courts (Giuseppe BIANCO, Tatum RAGUES) / 86
Indirect taxation and the role of the European Cort of Justice within the preliminary reference procedure (Ricardo GARCIA ANTON) / 113
The review of national action for compliance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the context of the preliminary reference procedure (Mihaela VRABIE) / 142
The thin line between the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights. Trends and patterns in preliminary references in Romanian courts (Daniel Mihail SANDRU, Constantin Mihai BANU, Dragos Alin CALIN) / 174
Nr. de pagini : 228
Anul aparitiei : 2013
List of abbreviations and acronyms / IX
Table of cases / XI
Introduction / XV
Between Rights and Charters: ECHR and EU law before national judges (Giuseppe MARTINICO) / 1
Deferential Dialogues between suptanational and constitutional courts in the European multi-level system (Ioana RADUCU) / 33
Overcoming the legal Iron curtain: Similarities and dissimilarities in the use of preliminary references between new and old Member States (Juan A. MAYORAL) / 60
Proportionality to balance trade in services and fundamental rights between the European Court of Justice and national courts (Giuseppe BIANCO, Tatum RAGUES) / 86
Indirect taxation and the role of the European Cort of Justice within the preliminary reference procedure (Ricardo GARCIA ANTON) / 113
The review of national action for compliance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the context of the preliminary reference procedure (Mihaela VRABIE) / 142
The thin line between the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights. Trends and patterns in preliminary references in Romanian courts (Daniel Mihail SANDRU, Constantin Mihai BANU, Dragos Alin CALIN) / 174
Nr. de pagini : 228
Anul aparitiei : 2013
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