Curs de limba engleza FCE Use of English 1 Teachers Book, Manualul profesorului (Editie revizuita)

PRP: 68,00 lei
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Preț: 64,60 lei
Diferență: 3,40 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
Autor: Virginia Evans
Anul publicării: 2014
The FCE Use of English 1 is a practice book intended mainly for intermediate and post-intermediate students, but is aIso useful for more advanced students for revision and consolidation. The aim of the book is to help students to understand and use English grammar through structurally graded material and full-colour pictures. In addition the book offers preparation for the Cambridge: First (FCE)/ECCE Examinations or any other similar examinations.
Oral Development sections
These appear throughout the book and help students practise the grammar structures presented.
Consolidation sections
Each unit is followed by exercises which provide general practice for the FCE Examination or any other similar examinations. Phrasal Verbs are listed in alphabetical order and the use of Prepositions is explained in Appendix 1 at the back of the book. There are also open cloze texts, multiple choice cloze texts, word formation and"key" word transformation exercises, collocations and tense revision exercises.
Practice test sections
After every second unit there is a section which trains students ta cope with the Cambridge: First (FCE) Examination - Use of English or any other similar examinations.
Revision sections
After every four units there is a section which familiarises the students with the format and level of difficulty of the actual tests. These appear in the Teacher's Book and revise aII structures taught up to this point.
Further Practice Sections
There are five practice sections, each including exercises on words often confused, open close texts, 'key' word transformations and multiple-choice cloze texts for students to practice.
A Teacher's Book accompanies the 8tudent's Book. This contains the answers to the exercises in the Student's
Book and presents useful grammar tips as well as three tests in two separate versions.
Pages: 262
Year: 2014
Oral Development sections
These appear throughout the book and help students practise the grammar structures presented.
Consolidation sections
Each unit is followed by exercises which provide general practice for the FCE Examination or any other similar examinations. Phrasal Verbs are listed in alphabetical order and the use of Prepositions is explained in Appendix 1 at the back of the book. There are also open cloze texts, multiple choice cloze texts, word formation and"key" word transformation exercises, collocations and tense revision exercises.
Practice test sections
After every second unit there is a section which trains students ta cope with the Cambridge: First (FCE) Examination - Use of English or any other similar examinations.
Revision sections
After every four units there is a section which familiarises the students with the format and level of difficulty of the actual tests. These appear in the Teacher's Book and revise aII structures taught up to this point.
Further Practice Sections
There are five practice sections, each including exercises on words often confused, open close texts, 'key' word transformations and multiple-choice cloze texts for students to practice.
A Teacher's Book accompanies the 8tudent's Book. This contains the answers to the exercises in the Student's
Book and presents useful grammar tips as well as three tests in two separate versions.
Pages: 262
Year: 2014
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