Copacul dorintelor - The Wishing Tree - Editie bilingva de William Faulkner

Cartea autorului William Faulkner „Copacul dorintelor The Wishing Tree Editie bilingva de William Faulkner" de la editura ART GRUP EDITORIAL
Singura carte pentru copii scrisa de William Faulkner
Cateodata scriitori mari scriu carti mici, care pentru o vreme trec aproape uitate, sau care ajung rare obiecte de colectie, citite de putini – desi sunt atat de inteligente, de amuzante si de bine scrise ca ar putea sa devina oricand clasice. Faulkner nu intentionase sa publice Copacul dorintelor, singura lui carte pentru copii, pe care o scrisese pentru fetita unei femei pe care o iubea – si care a fost publicata la 40 de ani dupa ce-a fost scrisa si la doi ani dupa moartea autorului.
In dimineata zilei ei de nastere, Dulcie e vizitata de un roscat curios care scoate tot timpul cate ceva ciudat din ruscac, fie ca e o scara, o trasura sau ponei. Impreuna cu servitoarea Alice si cu fratii George si Dicky, pornesc toti in cautarea copacului dorintelor, infruntand multe si stranii obstacole pe drumul intortocheat, care aminteste de povestile nastrusnice, irezistibile ale lui Lewis Carroll.
The only children's book William Faulkner ever wrote
Sometimes great writers write small books, that for a while go forgotten or end up being rare collectors’ items, read by very few – although they are so intelligent, funny and well written that they can at any time become classics. Faulkner did not intend to publish The Wishing Tree, his only book for children, which he had written for the daughter of a woman he loved; The Wishing Tree was published 40 years after having been written and two years after the death of its author.
In the morning of her birthday, Dulcie is visited by a curious red-headed boy which pulls out all sorts of things from his satchel: ladders, ponies, carts. Together with maid Alice and brothers George and Dicky, they all go out in search of the wishing tree, facing many and weird obstacles on the entangled road, that reminds readers of the odd, irresistible stories of Lewis Carroll.
Nr. de pagini: 136
Anul aparitiei: 2017