Caucazul de Sud dupa 20 de ani: Regimuri politice, securitate si energie

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Autor: Ileana Racheru
Anul publicării: 2012
Autorii studiului de fata ofera o radiografie politica, economica si de securitate a regiunii Caucazului de Sud si a celor trei state care o compun: Armenia, Georgia si Azerbaidjan. Destinat institutiilor care articuleaza politica externa a Romaniei fata de aceste tari si expertilor din societatea civila, dar si mediului academic si corpului de studenti de la stiinte sociale, studiul realizat sub egida Fundatiei Soros Romania devine un instrument si o lectura obligatorie pentru toti cei care vor sa inteleaga complexitatea unei regiuni esentiale pentru securitatea Europei. Autorii au avut posibilitatea, prin interviurile facute la Erevan, Tbilisi si Baku, sa obtina informatii pretioase de la experti din ONG-uri, formatori de opinie si tehnocrati din birocratia guvernamentala.
The authors of the study propose a multi-faceted radiography of the South Caucasus region in general, with an emphasis on the three states that compose it— Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan— thus focusing on the political, economic, and security dimensions. Designed for those institutions which articulate Romania’s foreign policy with regard to these countries and for the experts of the civil society, as well as academia and students of social sciences, the respective study, carried out under the aegis of Soros Foundation Romania, becomes a useful instrument and a compelling reading for all those who wish to grasp the complexity of a vital region when it comes to the security of Europe.
The authors had the opportunity to acquire valuable information through the interviews they took in Yerevan, Tbilisi, and Baku, when meeting with experts from NGOs, opinion makers and technocrats in the governmental bureaucracy.
Ileana Racheru este absolventa a masterului de Relatii Internationale, Facultatea de Stiinte Politice, Universitatea din Bucuresti. In prezent, este doctoranda a Scolii Doctorale de Stiinte Politice a Universitatii din Bucuresti. Este autoarea unei dizertatii cu titlul„Dezbateri de politica externa in relatiile UE si ale Rusiei cu Georgia si Ucraina“ si a mai multor articole academice despre relatiile Romaniei cu statele din Caucazul de Sud. A scris numeroase articole despre evolutiile politice si de securitate din spatiul ex-sovietic in revistele 22 si Foreign Policy Romania, prilej cu care a realizat interviuri cu diplomati, experti, decidenti si lideri politici regionali.
Stanislav Secrieru este bursier la Colegiul Noua Europa in cadrul programului“Black Sea Link Fellowship” si cercetator asociat la Centrul de Studii Est-Europene si Asiatice (Bucuresti). Este doctor in Stiinte Politice (SNSPA). A desfasurat cercetari la NATO Defense College (Rome) si Institute for European Politics (Berlin). A colaborat in proiecte de cercetare cu European Council on Foreign Relations (Londra), DemosEuropa (Varsovia), Europeum (Praga), Heinrich Böll Foundation (Berlin), Finnish Institute for International Affairs (Helsinki). Domenii de interes major: politica interna si externa rusa, relatiile UE-Rusia, politica europeana de vecinatate.
Angela Gramada este doctoranda in Stiinte Politice, specializarea Relatii Internationale, Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative, Bucuresti, si licentiata in Relatii Economice Internationale, Institutul Relatii Internationale„Perspectiva“, Chisinau (2004). Este cercetator la Centrul de Studii Est-Europene si Asiatice, Bucuresti. Interesele de cercetare prioritare sunt orientate spre studiul evolutiei raporturilor dintre Federatia Rusa, Statele Unite ale Americii si Uniunea Europeana in spatiul ex-sovietic, al proceselor de democratizare din Republica Moldova, Ucraina si Georgia, al politicii europene de vecinatate, precum si spre studiul redefinirii geopolitice a spatiului ex-sovietic.
Ileana Racheru is a graduate of the Master of International Relations of the University of Bucharest Department of Political Sciences. She is currently a PhD candidate of the University of Bucharest Doctoral School of Political Sciences. She is also the author of a dissertation entitled“Foreign Policy Debates in the Relations of the EU and Russia with Georgia and the Ukraine” and of several academic articles concerning the relationships between Romania and the South-Caucasian states. She has published many articles on the political and security-related evolutions in the ex-Soviet countries in such periodicals as 22 and Foreign Policy Romania, for which she has interviewed regional diplomats, experts, decision-makers, and political leaders.
Stanislav Secrieru is a scholar of the New Europe College within the“Black Sea Link Fellowship” program and an associate-researcher with the Bucharest Center for East-European and Asian Studies. He is a PhD in Political Sciences (SNSPA). He has conducted researches at the NATO Defense College (Rome) and the Institute for European Politics (Berlin). He has been involved in research projects at the European Council on Foreign Relations (London), the DemosEuropa (Warsaw), the Europeum (Prague), the Heinrich Böll Foundation (Berlin), and the Finnish Institute for International Affairs (Helsinki). His major fields of interest are: the Russian domestic and foreign policies, the EU-Russia relationships, and the European neighborhood policy.
Angela Gramada is a PhD candidate in Political Sciences of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest and a bachelor in International Economic Relations of the“Perspectiva” Institute of International Relations in Chisinau (2004). She is a researcher with the Bucharest Center for East-European and Asian Studies. Her major fields of interest are: the evolution of the relationships between the Russian Federation, the US, and the EU within the ex-Soviet space; the democratization processes in the Republic of Moldova, the Ukraine, and Georgia; the European neighborhood policy; and the geopolitical redefinition of the ex-Soviet space.
Numar pagini:512
Anul aparitiei:2012
The authors of the study propose a multi-faceted radiography of the South Caucasus region in general, with an emphasis on the three states that compose it— Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan— thus focusing on the political, economic, and security dimensions. Designed for those institutions which articulate Romania’s foreign policy with regard to these countries and for the experts of the civil society, as well as academia and students of social sciences, the respective study, carried out under the aegis of Soros Foundation Romania, becomes a useful instrument and a compelling reading for all those who wish to grasp the complexity of a vital region when it comes to the security of Europe.
The authors had the opportunity to acquire valuable information through the interviews they took in Yerevan, Tbilisi, and Baku, when meeting with experts from NGOs, opinion makers and technocrats in the governmental bureaucracy.
Ileana Racheru este absolventa a masterului de Relatii Internationale, Facultatea de Stiinte Politice, Universitatea din Bucuresti. In prezent, este doctoranda a Scolii Doctorale de Stiinte Politice a Universitatii din Bucuresti. Este autoarea unei dizertatii cu titlul„Dezbateri de politica externa in relatiile UE si ale Rusiei cu Georgia si Ucraina“ si a mai multor articole academice despre relatiile Romaniei cu statele din Caucazul de Sud. A scris numeroase articole despre evolutiile politice si de securitate din spatiul ex-sovietic in revistele 22 si Foreign Policy Romania, prilej cu care a realizat interviuri cu diplomati, experti, decidenti si lideri politici regionali.
Stanislav Secrieru este bursier la Colegiul Noua Europa in cadrul programului“Black Sea Link Fellowship” si cercetator asociat la Centrul de Studii Est-Europene si Asiatice (Bucuresti). Este doctor in Stiinte Politice (SNSPA). A desfasurat cercetari la NATO Defense College (Rome) si Institute for European Politics (Berlin). A colaborat in proiecte de cercetare cu European Council on Foreign Relations (Londra), DemosEuropa (Varsovia), Europeum (Praga), Heinrich Böll Foundation (Berlin), Finnish Institute for International Affairs (Helsinki). Domenii de interes major: politica interna si externa rusa, relatiile UE-Rusia, politica europeana de vecinatate.
Angela Gramada este doctoranda in Stiinte Politice, specializarea Relatii Internationale, Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative, Bucuresti, si licentiata in Relatii Economice Internationale, Institutul Relatii Internationale„Perspectiva“, Chisinau (2004). Este cercetator la Centrul de Studii Est-Europene si Asiatice, Bucuresti. Interesele de cercetare prioritare sunt orientate spre studiul evolutiei raporturilor dintre Federatia Rusa, Statele Unite ale Americii si Uniunea Europeana in spatiul ex-sovietic, al proceselor de democratizare din Republica Moldova, Ucraina si Georgia, al politicii europene de vecinatate, precum si spre studiul redefinirii geopolitice a spatiului ex-sovietic.
Ileana Racheru is a graduate of the Master of International Relations of the University of Bucharest Department of Political Sciences. She is currently a PhD candidate of the University of Bucharest Doctoral School of Political Sciences. She is also the author of a dissertation entitled“Foreign Policy Debates in the Relations of the EU and Russia with Georgia and the Ukraine” and of several academic articles concerning the relationships between Romania and the South-Caucasian states. She has published many articles on the political and security-related evolutions in the ex-Soviet countries in such periodicals as 22 and Foreign Policy Romania, for which she has interviewed regional diplomats, experts, decision-makers, and political leaders.
Stanislav Secrieru is a scholar of the New Europe College within the“Black Sea Link Fellowship” program and an associate-researcher with the Bucharest Center for East-European and Asian Studies. He is a PhD in Political Sciences (SNSPA). He has conducted researches at the NATO Defense College (Rome) and the Institute for European Politics (Berlin). He has been involved in research projects at the European Council on Foreign Relations (London), the DemosEuropa (Warsaw), the Europeum (Prague), the Heinrich Böll Foundation (Berlin), and the Finnish Institute for International Affairs (Helsinki). His major fields of interest are: the Russian domestic and foreign policies, the EU-Russia relationships, and the European neighborhood policy.
Angela Gramada is a PhD candidate in Political Sciences of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest and a bachelor in International Economic Relations of the“Perspectiva” Institute of International Relations in Chisinau (2004). She is a researcher with the Bucharest Center for East-European and Asian Studies. Her major fields of interest are: the evolution of the relationships between the Russian Federation, the US, and the EU within the ex-Soviet space; the democratization processes in the Republic of Moldova, the Ukraine, and Georgia; the European neighborhood policy; and the geopolitical redefinition of the ex-Soviet space.
Numar pagini:512
Anul aparitiei:2012